Thursday, June 22, 2006


Hey guys.. sorry for not blogging so long... haha. so i decided to blog now.. have u ever wondered why guys are the ones tht bare their tops and not girls.. well, after months of evaluation, i have to a conclusion.. its because guys like to do it... haha.. ok.. i know that did not make sense at all.. and someone just told me that i am stupid... but thats what u get after u are missing in action for like very long... so i decided to blog and become smart.. today was a dam tiring day.. i did not sleep very much and ended up going for a really funny mass at night.. the priest was hilarious, teaching us the roots of biology and sociology.. its quite wonderful how smart priests are sometimes..after that i had some floaty ice creamy thing at bongs house and it was simply delicious. i told myself that if i ever become a famous chef... this would be one of my creations.. but kids dream and for a kid like me, i know it will never happen... dam.. i will never know when the inspiration for blogging will come.. but till the next time inspiration inspires me, pls bear with my really boring blog.... ahha! see you!
p.s... i got a really bad infection in that place that u would not want to know
p.s... i am lying! haha.. see u!


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