Monday, October 09, 2006


Hey guys.. sorry for the really long absence for the computerized world.. but u see, the truth is.. i have been studying really hard for my n levels... and now am taking my well deserved rest. haha.. i was watching the amazing race a while ago and it was really inspiring how people could say well done and way to go even though they are being attacked by those bloodsucking mosquitoes every now and then.. and i wonder, how much would it take for a person to say well done and way to go to me?? if anybody did, i would probably go crazy and tell the person tht i loved them but they would most probably look at me with a disgusted face and say' euu, have u seen urself lately?' depressing stuff aye?
anyway on newer and much faker topics.. people have suddenly taken to calling me girl.. haha.. HOW FAKE IS THAT? ahhaha ok maybe a part of it is true.. but thts just my metrosexual side.. even big muscled smelly armpitted wrestlers do feel as if they would like to fit into tight nipple showing shirts from time to time. but instead of noticing their nipples, u cant help but wonder how in the world did someone so big fit into something so small.. well i can answer tht.. it is called the mysteries of the world.
anyway.. on other topics.... did u know i grew like 4cm?!?! i mean like whoooa.. haha.. but i was walking down the street alongside park mall when i realised a bunch of really straight haired girls who were wearing really pink stuff.. from socks to shoes..... yeah. 1 point to those who can guess what i am talking about.. yep but back to tht grp of girls.. they were wearing really low pants and i saw some orange peeking out.. i mean.. since when did orange go well with pink!!!! hello! thts so last summer! and yeah.. i got nothing else to say.. dam.. till next..
p.s: i don go around looking at straight haired pink shirted girls asses. haha


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