Saturday, April 29, 2006
I dont know whats wrong with my heading... haha.. maybe its beacause i am having a really bad flu here.. now i know the importance of cleaning up the place.. i shall not slack in this area again! promise... anyway.. its saturday and i am not doing anything.. i am leading a really boring life... no more late night movies and stuff like that.. why?!?!?!??! but anyway... till somebody answers that question, i'll go on wondering..... tmr is sunday and i hope it'll be packed or i'll be left looking at my stupid maths book for the whole day... and come on, which teenager wants to study on a sunday?????? the lord said we were supposed to rest and keep it holy.. and studying is not a form of rest. nope its not.. its toture to all of our teenage minds.. please.. we are still young and we have a long way to go in our lives.. but thats crap actually... if i dont face torture now, i'll most probably be the one sewing ur clothes and fixing ur things.. so i still got to study... and look what the books made me do.. they are making me contradict myself.. its like biting my own ass.. hitting my own head... pulling my own hair.. ok yeah.. i'll stop.. anyway.. gtg now.. hope all of you guys have a good sunday.. and if its not good... i only got 1 solution for u.. since ur day is bad.. make it worse... go and study.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Many people might ask me.. if there is a sick meaning behind this headings... and i am not going to lie.. yes there is.. hahaha.. and then i will leave all of u in suspense.. people might say.. yucks martin.. u sick shit.. and then i will just tell myself... i am a sick shit.. so other than sick shit topics,, i got put on the obviously talking and definitely going to stay back list at school.. is it such a crime to talk and make noise.. this is what i call love for my gift of speech.. although it might be a bit vulgar.. but come on.. who does not swear.. we all do! i just do it a bit more... oh well..i gotta live with it.. in a world of angsty and troubled teenagers, anything could happen.. u might get hit by a lorry tommorow and die with a really stupid look on ur face..negativity is too negative.. why is it so?? cause we lives our lives in a world where deception and untruths triumphs over all good.. this may sound like a paragraph from star wars.. but its not.. anyway..i got nothing more to say!!!!!!!!!! trust in jesus and deception will be replaced by what we call LOVE!!!!!!!!! ok.. yeah... thanks.. bye
Saturday, April 22, 2006
i am sitting in front of my computer right now thinking about stuff tht i havent thought about in a long time.. and i hit myself... like a hammer to the head.. and i got a question for all u guys... what would life be without underwear?? hah.. see.. it hit u too right... besides the loose baggage.. we would not be able to feel secure anymore.. the tragedy of the truth.. gosh.... oh and on cleaner topics.. today was a slacker day.. slacking since morning till night and like studying really hard.. people might laugh when they see the word studying.. but i do study!!!! is tht wrong.. i am trying to be smart... but then again.. long time till i achieve it.. dammit... oh oh oh.. i realized something.. my great realization for the season of lent... LIES SPOIL THE WORLD!... so let us stop lying and i will set a good example.. no this is not a joke..haha i'm serious.. till my next post!
p.s: you can lie once in a while!
p.s: you can lie once in a while!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
When people talk about crappy headlines, i think my headings are always one of the lamest... i doont even get them myself.. sometimes, i wonder to myself.. if i wasn't lame, what would i be? people say that i would be a really boring guy.. others say tht.. lame is my name and without the lame, i would just be martin... anyway.. i was bored one day and thought to myself.. if the day came and i was forced to be like someone else.. i think i would..
anyway.. today was a sucker day.. got detention tomorrow.. i hate it.. dammit.. till the next time then!
anyway.. today was a sucker day.. got detention tomorrow.. i hate it.. dammit.. till the next time then!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I FEEL GOOD! damm.. it was a good day... and on the brightest topic.. i got another photo.... hahaha.. YEAH! i must say.. bong is a really good computer designer. he might actually make a fortune man.. whoa... i must give him the props for this man.. have u seen the photo??? works of a genius! it really rocks..
and on other topics.. school was a rocker today, i slept through the whole day and only payed attention during social studies, haha.. i know i am too much.. pls slap me the next time you see me....
and SOD has their gig coming up on te 26th of may at third place!!! please do come and support! it is on a friday! i hope all of u can make it... give us any comments u deem fit for us.. we will accept it.. no matter how painstakingly hard it is for us to do so... anyway, cherio! may god dwell in your hearts
Monday, April 17, 2006
HELLO! haha.. it's actually been some time since i last blogged... oh well, i needed some inspiration and finally.. I GOT IT! so.. easter just passed and i spent it well! haha.. i got many easter eggs and stuff.... and i played my first praise and worship for post con.. and i think it went well.. at least i did not do anything stupid... i was just wondering, what would my sundays be without post con and i got my answer.. it would be really boring.. yeah.. and i realized that i did not post any pictures for a really long time.. sorry bout that.. cause the thing is.. i havent really been taking pictures.. dammit.. promise there will be some posted soon though! oh and today was monday and i did not go to school! i mean that just rocked my socks off.. thats like erm.. 4 days of wonderful holiday! hahaha.. i slept all my sleepless nights away! yeah.. and tomorrow is tuesday. dammit.. school again.. oh well.. guess i got to take it.. if not life would not really be called life wouldn't it?? anyway! till my next post!
Monday, April 10, 2006
SOMETIMES, i just do not know whats up with my titles.. haha.. dammit, its monday again and i am not feeling school mood at all.. anyway.. i got sent out of class today.. and why???? why ??? u might ask me that question... but lets just say i opened up my mouth at a really wrong time.. but on really better topics, easter is coming! means easter eggs! and bunnies and anything that u could make out of chocolate.. yay! hahahaha.. and that means we are gonna be happy people very soon.. hahah.. i should start some kind of easter countdown! anyway, i need help with our new song!!! and its not going too well!!! oh well.. till the next post!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I seem to be blgging everyday man.. why?!??!! because i am really bored.. i think there is something wrong with me.. i seem to think too much. oh well.. shall not enter the world of hallucinations though.. i just got my pocket money! yay!.. which means at least 4 days of luxurious spending for anything that is below 3 dollars! woo! I just realized something.. my post always has nothing to do with my heading.. so i decided to make a change! a sudden change that no one will expect.. i shall have my post connected to the heading that i've chosen for the day! PADDLE POP ROCKS! although i haven't had it in the while i can still imagine what it tastes like.. although i know its wrong to lust after smooth ice creamy ice cream.. i cant help myself..! tmr is friday people.. a glorious weekend ahead that may be full of sun! woohoo! shiok.. but then again, it might rain.. oh screw tht! weekend is here! ENJOY!! see u guys!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
We all try to live in a world where laughter never ceases... hahaha.. that sure sounds hippy! hahaha.. as quoted from one of my friends! anyway, today was a very rainy day.. i was about to go for mass and i was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, all dry and nice.. and guess what happened!!!!! this really nice car just drove past me! and then sprayed water all over my jeans.. i was like 'WHAT THE HELL!'.... but then i forgave him as i am such a forgiving guy and went on... yeah.. i am the guy who u splash water on! dammit.. haha.. on cleaner topics.. i passed maths for the first freaking time of my whole secondary school life... (applause please)... woo! but it was an easy topic and if i had failed i would be counted as a really really stupid guy..well, people say u gotta be young and dumb to become old and wise.. in my case, i was young and dumb and now i am older and dumber! oh well.. i'm bored to bits.. chatting to my online buddies and blogging as usual! till the next time i get a strong urge to post! i i will post... see u!
Monday, April 03, 2006
YAY! ahahha.. I just came back from penetential service and man! do i feel free! ahaahha.. anyway, today was a really sleepy day for me.. i had like 5 and a half hours of school and i slept through 3 of them..and if any of the montfortian heads are reading this, i am lying! seriously... someone just told me the cold hard truth about myself.... they said i was a guy who does not know what i want! i mean like what the hell la.. i decide to get up in the morning and brush my teeth and do all my daily morning essentials.. and they say i do not know what i want! but anyway.. on cleaner topics... i did not study today... shit.. and i have to pass up homework tommorow.. school's too much.. how i wish i can step on all my books and burn every single page and not wake up the next day regretting it.. they say being an adult is tough.. but they did not get algebra and propaganda when they were 16! dammit! history wasn't enough.. they had to intoduce social studies.. i hate school... oh well.. i currently dropped my phone 4 times since i got it.. ahaha.. anyway.. i got nothing more to say.. see you guys.. till my next post.. woot!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Hello guys! It was a good day today, the only thing was, someone told me i was a lame and childish woman.. WOMAN!!! do i look like a woman??? they said i was supposed to be born a girl! so insulting!!!!!!!! so therefore, i decided to go to extreme measures to correct the stuff bout me being a woman.. i shall not cross my legs anymore!! Anyway, on lighter topics, i was supposed to insult someone on my post today but i cant bring myself to do it cause i am such a nice guy.. so i wont... hahha.. oh, i laughed when i saw a dead bird today.. does that make me somewhat sadistic??? yes it does.. the tragic truth.. oh well, on even lighter topics, i am going to school tomorrow! woo!!!!!! ok i'll just shut up now.. oh yes.,,,, please tag me!!!!!! i am a desperate guy! don't think dirty! till next time. happy april the next day after april fools!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
HI! ahahha.. Its april fool's day! HAHAHA! and i am feeling all hyper and excited.. not because of all the wrong and dirty reasons u guys are thinking about.. but for clean and pure incentives... for example, p&w session today went fairly well. and altar boys meeting and dinner and everything.. everyone is in such a jovial mood! hahaha.. like as if it was christmas! hahaha APRIL FOOL!!!!!! hahaha.. okay, i'm sorry.. i just realized how lame that was, pls forgive me for that.. i shall not crack another lame joke today! oh look! the time is 10.32pm! so i only cant make another lame joke for 1 hour and 28 mins! ok sorry.. dammit la.. why do i always go back to my lame self! maturity for me, seems so far far away.. oh well! till the day comes!!!!! yeah guys.. till my next post! HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!