Hey guys, so it was friday a couple of minutes ago... ok exactly 54 mins ago and i am back after a particularly tiring day.. well today was a extremely great day and let me tell u guys why.. i chased temptation away. so many tempters came to me with their oh so great temptations but i stared them in their face and said 'shoo satan, i can't see you'.
ok maybe the top part may have been a LITTLE exaggerated but it's for a good cause, cause i think it's really really inspirational, for instance, who can say no to chocolate? huh? huh! yeah, u got it.. no one.. even the most anorexic girl would think its okay to have a really tiny piece of choc.. but I SAID NO!
i was walking home from school today and i was like 'hey, i'm kinda hungry; and there was like a sign, i looked in front of me and there SPC was... a petrol kiosk chock full of chocolates.. and i was like whoa.. i gotta get a snickers man... so i went up, got a snickers and headed off to the cashier to pay for it. it was then when i heard a voice calling out to me... 'MARTIN! YOU ARE FAT ENOUGH, GET A JUICE INSTEAD' and i was like 'oh okay, i'm sorry' and i got a juice.. there u go! TEMPTATIONS AWAY!
well done martin, u deserve a pat on your back! many people have told me i have a really boring blog cause it has no pictures of my ugly face.. and i am like yeah, you're right, the next post, there is sooo gonna be a picture. but the picture never does come out. SO I'M GONNA PROMISE THAT IF THERE ISN'T A PICTURE IN MY NEXT POST, IT IS SURE TO COME OUT IN THE NEXT ONE.. and so on.. cause i really cant find a flattering photo of myself which like dosen't potray my pimples.. i got such a huge one on my left cheek tht sometimes it scares me. i call it willy.. its has a tail and like its really big and blue and it annoys the shitload out of my shit holding bag. i cant stand it. i need a new face, i am so serious.. i shall go to like korea and get a sexy nose with a 'willy' free face... but then i would have like small eyes.. ahha geddit? korea? small eyes? ok so its like 1.15am on a beautiful saturday morning, and i so gotta go.. so till the next picture filled blog
(p.s. do all koreans love kimchi? i heard it's really good)
ok maybe the top part may have been a LITTLE exaggerated but it's for a good cause, cause i think it's really really inspirational, for instance, who can say no to chocolate? huh? huh! yeah, u got it.. no one.. even the most anorexic girl would think its okay to have a really tiny piece of choc.. but I SAID NO!
i was walking home from school today and i was like 'hey, i'm kinda hungry; and there was like a sign, i looked in front of me and there SPC was... a petrol kiosk chock full of chocolates.. and i was like whoa.. i gotta get a snickers man... so i went up, got a snickers and headed off to the cashier to pay for it. it was then when i heard a voice calling out to me... 'MARTIN! YOU ARE FAT ENOUGH, GET A JUICE INSTEAD' and i was like 'oh okay, i'm sorry' and i got a juice.. there u go! TEMPTATIONS AWAY!
well done martin, u deserve a pat on your back! many people have told me i have a really boring blog cause it has no pictures of my ugly face.. and i am like yeah, you're right, the next post, there is sooo gonna be a picture. but the picture never does come out. SO I'M GONNA PROMISE THAT IF THERE ISN'T A PICTURE IN MY NEXT POST, IT IS SURE TO COME OUT IN THE NEXT ONE.. and so on.. cause i really cant find a flattering photo of myself which like dosen't potray my pimples.. i got such a huge one on my left cheek tht sometimes it scares me. i call it willy.. its has a tail and like its really big and blue and it annoys the shitload out of my shit holding bag. i cant stand it. i need a new face, i am so serious.. i shall go to like korea and get a sexy nose with a 'willy' free face... but then i would have like small eyes.. ahha geddit? korea? small eyes? ok so its like 1.15am on a beautiful saturday morning, and i so gotta go.. so till the next picture filled blog
(p.s. do all koreans love kimchi? i heard it's really good)